Stickman Review considers submissions two times a year:
FebruaryApril and AugustOctober
Any submissions outside these periods will not be read.
The Stickman Review publishes twice a year. I consider previously unpublished literary fiction, poetry, non-fiction, photography and artwork. Genre fiction, movie and book reviews and academic essays will not be considered as a rule. Any work that has been published in any other form, including self-published material, will not be considered.
Please review the following guidelines before submitting. Any submissions that do not comply with the guidelines will be unread and/or returned without consideration.
Given the volume of submissions, reading responses vary during the year. Expect to wait 3-4 months for reply, even longer if your work merits strong consideration.
I accept electronic submissions only. Include the word "Submission" in your subject line to insure that your entry does not end up in the junk mail bin. Simultaneous submissions OK, but please let me know if work is accepted elsewhere.
Please submit using the following formats, listed in order of preference (all other formats will not be read): Microsoft Word Document (as an attachment); Text or Rich text file (files with the extensions .txt or .rtf)
FICTION/NONFICTION Fiction and Non-fiction submissions should not exceed 5,000 words. Send only one story or essay at a time (I will only consider one in the multiple submission). If I like your work, I'll encourage you to send more, but again, one at a time. Submit fiction to: Submit non-fiction to: POETRY Please send no more than 5 poems at a time. Again, if I like what you are doing, I'll ask for more. Submit poetry to: ART Please do not send me a link to your photography site. I do not commission work and will not respond to queries. If you have specific pieces you would like to submit (photos, photos of your artwork drawings, graphic art, etc.), attach them to an email in any of the following graphical formats: JPEG, GIF, TIFF, or PSD (native Photoshop file). Individual graphics should not exceed 500K. Submit art to:
FICTION/NONFICTION Fiction and Non-fiction submissions should not exceed 5,000 words. Send only one story or essay at a time (I will only consider one in the multiple submission). If I like your work, I'll encourage you to send more, but again, one at a time. Submit fiction to: Submit non-fiction to:
POETRY Please send no more than 5 poems at a time. Again, if I like what you are doing, I'll ask for more. Submit poetry to:
ART Please do not send me a link to your photography site. I do not commission work and will not respond to queries. If you have specific pieces you would like to submit (photos, photos of your artwork drawings, graphic art, etc.), attach them to an email in any of the following graphical formats: JPEG, GIF, TIFF, or PSD (native Photoshop file). Individual graphics should not exceed 500K. Submit art to: