Absinthe Literary Review–publishes transgressive works dealing with sex, death, disease, madness, and the clash of the archaic with the modern day.. The Adirondack Review–an online literary journal dedicated to publishing quality poetry, fiction, artwork, and photography. Blithe House Quarterly–features new short stories by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) authors—both emerging and established. Dislocate—an online literary magazine published by graduate students at the University of Minnesota (print version expected in spring 2005). Dreaming Methods—a digital fiction site. Eclectica–features top quality poetry, fiction, nonfiction, miscellany, reviews and commentary on the web. Eclectica strives to live up to its name and respects its readers and authors. No ads or gimmicks. Plenty of surprises. Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, MA–an internationally renowned nonprofit organization dedicated to providing a supportive and nurturing environment for emerging artists and writers. The Georgia Review–one of America's premier journals of arts and letters. Gobshite Quarterly–an "old-fashioned multilingual internationale literary magazine; sort of like Harper's on ecstacy, or the New Yorker on an aether-absinthe bender." Lodestar Quarterly–an online journal publishing the finest gay, lesbian and queer literature. Mid-American Review–an international literary journal dedicated to publishing the best contemporary fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and translations. Moontown Cafe—a poet's resource site designed to help poets advance their craft.—News, information and guides to independent bookstores, independent publishers, literary magazines, alternative periodicals, independent record labels, alternative newsweeklies and more. Sampsonia Way— Sponsored by the nonprofit City of Asylum/Pittsburgh, Sampsonia Way is an online magazine dedicated to celebrating literary free expression and supporting persecuted poets and novelists worldwide.— This page features classic books that are a must read for anyone interested in literature. Segue Online Literary Journal of Miami University-Middletown Six Gallery Press–publishes experimental and literary fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. It also publishes a yearly anthology, Jacob's Ladder. Southern Cross Review–an e-review of fiction, science, education, current events, book reviews, poetry and Anthroposophy. storySouth–showcases the best fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry that writers from the new south have to offer. Tarpaulin Sky Online Literary Journal–an online quarterly offering highest quality poetry, fiction, nonfiction and images. 2River–a site of poetry and art and publishes the 2River View. Ygdrasil—A Journal of the Poetic Arts.