I founded Stickman Review—along with Darrin English, a friend and former colleague of mine—in 2001 while living in Flagstaff, Arizona. As an MFA student at the University of Arizona, I had the pleasure of serving a few years as Editor-In-Chief of Sonora Review, the university’s award winning literary magazine. I enjoyed it so much that after eight years of deliberation and procrastination and “settling in” to a life outside the writing community, I decided to launch my own magazine; thus, Stickman Review was born.
Darrin has long since moved on to other things, but I plug on, now living in Florida and reading as much as I can as quickly as I can. (With three young girls and a more-than-full-time job, it takes me quite a while to turn things around.) I enjoy keeping this small connection to the writing world active, and I hope that this small window I’ve opened offers others the same pleasure it gives me when I read a particularly compelling story, poem or essay.
Like all editors, I am bound by my particular aesthetic (to get a sense of it, read a few Stickman issues), and while I publish very little of what I read, I encourage those who aspire to all things literary to send me their best. While I will not be able to comment personally on every submission, please know that I will read it with care and consideration.
Anthony Brown