Absence like a vacuum
By George Moore
Like a vacuum, absence
makes the heart swell
with its own energy. Not
everything matters
however. Time, for instance,
is like an invisible icing,
sweet and shallow
on spongy surfaces.
We tend to take this place
too seriously it seems.
Earthship and all that. More
like a bowl of water
with the curved image
of ourselves floating on its
unstable surface. Bottoms
are still limits. So when
you picked up and moved
the universe was diminished
just so. A virtual particle
meets its anti-particle twin,
coming into existence
only to annihilate each other.
If you’d consider another
orbit, I promise there’d be
no more warp of spacetime.
I’m a much more stable
compound these days.
When lovers split, one
does not always radiate away.
Collapse can be a singularity.