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John Michael Cummings
John Michael Cummings short stories have appeared in more than seventy-five literary journals, including North American Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, and The Iowa Review. He has fiction forthcoming in The Kenyon Review. Twice he has been nominated for The Pushcart Prize. His novella The House of My Father was a finalist in the 2006 Miami University Novella Contest, and his short story The Scratchboard Project received an honorable mention in The Best American Short Stories 2007. His debut novel, The Night I Freed John Brown, is scheduled to be published by Penguin in May of 2008. For more information, visit www.johnmichaelcummings.com.
Tasha Haas
Tasha Haas teaches literature and creative writing at Kansas City Kansas Community College, and previously taught fiction writing at the University of Kansas for eight years. Her stories have recently appeared in Web Conjunctions, Coal City Review, and South Dakota Review, among other literary journals. In 2004, she was awarded the Langston Hughes Creative Writing Award in Fiction.
Robert S. King
Robert S. King has published in hundreds of magazines, including The Kenyon Review, Southern Poetry Review, California Quarterly, Chariton Review, Negative Capability, Louisville Review, Chattahoochee Review, Amelia, Spoon River Poetry Review and many others. He is the current editor of FutureCycle Poetry.
Kevin Lavey
Kevin Laveys stories have been published in about twenty literary magazines, which include 42opus, poeticdiversity, Witness, Slipstream, Amelia, Dan River Anthology, and Z Miscellaneous. In 2000 he won an Artist of the Year for Fiction award granted by the Maryland State Arts Council. He was one of five writers to win the short-short story competition sponsored by Artscape, an arts festival in Baltimore. His novel, Rat, which won a contest sponsored by RockWay Press, was published in April 2007
Rich Luftig
Rich Luftig is a professor of educational psychology and special education at Miami University in Ohio. He is a recipient of the Cincinnati Post-Corbett Foundation Award for Literature and a semi finalist for the Emily Dickinson Society Award. His poems have appeared in numerous literary journals in the United States and internationally in Japan, Canada, Australia, Finland, and England. His third chapbook of poems was published in November, 2006.
Paul Martone
In 2006, Paul Martone served as the Walter and Nancy Kidd Fellow in the Creative Writing Program at The University of Oregon. His fiction appears in The Saranac Review and is forthcoming in Gentle Strength Quarterly.
David Troupes
David Troupes has published poetry in many journals in the US and UK, including Fugue, Nimrod, Other Poetry, Cape Rock, and Color Wheel. While completing a creative writing Masters at Edinburgh University he won the 2003 Edwin Morgan Poetry Prize, and later was awarded a writer's bursary from the Scottish Arts Council.
Julie Marie Wade
Julie Marie Wade holds a Master of Arts in English from Western Washington University and a Master of Fine Arts in Poetry from the University of Pittsburgh. She has been awarded the Chicago Literary Award in Poetry (2004), the Gulf Coast Nonfiction Prize (2004), the Oscar Wilde Poetry Prize (2005), The Literal Latte Nonfiction Prize (2006), and a Pushcart Prize nomination (2005). Her work appears or is forthcoming in Diner, Cimarron Review, Another Chicago Magazine, Gulf Coast Journal of Literature and Fine Art, The Kings English: Journal of Long Prose, Third Coast, Spoon River Review, Denver Quarterly, The Cream City Review, Southeast Review, Dogwood, Literal Latte, Nimrod, Red Rock Review, and Off the Rocks: Journal of Queer Memoir.
