by Paul Illechko
Who is that looking at me from the mirror it’s not a face I recognize a single eye that is the exact same color as itself no matter which one I close or leave openI’m an educated man this fact has been planned since I was a child I speak a single language but I speak it well can you see the threads of cultivation as they tumble from my throat it’s a streamthat froze one time but only briefly the people who grew up around me imagined themselves as victims of the statedeferring nonetheless to the very authoritythat they despised they dreamed of wrecking statues and other dynastic symbols they dreamed of chopping down a forest of pine building a new city with the endlesssupply of timber I seem them now as a kind of multivalent mirror image an inoculation from the very idea of sicknesshalf that image has faded to nothing I passthrough such spaces with extreme care.