by David M. Harris
Early in my career in Tennessee,I came back with the dog and said,“I think I saw an armadillo.”My fiancee, well versed in local fauna,assured me there were no armadillosin Tennessee. Now I discusswith the lawn guy how to keep themfrom digging up the lawn.On a morning walk, three or fourdogs later, we found a corpse,mostly intact but for scraps of armorscattered on the road. A few days later,the armor hollowed out. Fleeing the oppressionof Texas heat, hoping only for safetyand freedom, this one found a pickup.Refugees are sometimes notgreeted with joy. They can beinvaders in the lawn, like armadillos,or good neighbors, like moose,leaving their ancient homes for freedomand safety in a world of change.Individuals strike out from homeeasily, but populations resistlarge motions; too much massto shift without great impulse. Let them notbe greeted with a pickup.