by Kevin Brown
I wake up and make my wayto work and wonder why,then come homewhere the question lingers,though I bury it beneath a laughor at least a smirkwith jokes everyone attributesto their dads,due to my age, not my parental statusor fatherly mien.I’ve adopted the actor’s adage:the most important aspect is sincerity;once you learnto fake that, you’ll be fine.Otherwise, my co-workers callme cynicaland my wife wonders and worriesabout meand my one friendwho want something better—or at least different—accusations always easierthan admitting and sittingwith a lack of understanding.I no longer knowif I’m the monkeyor the hurdy-gurdy mancranking another day away;I just take the few coins lifeprovides, and I spend themlike there’s no tomorrow.