James Croal Jackson (he/him/his) is a Filipino-American poet. He has a chapbook, The Frayed Edge of Memory (Writing Knights Press, 2017), and recent poems in Sampsonia Way, San Antonio Review, and Pacifica. He edits The Mantle Poetry (themantlepoetry.com) and works in film production in Pittsburgh, PA. (jamescroaljackson.com)
Seth Jani lives in Seattle, WA and is the founder of Seven CirclePress (www.sevencirclepress.com). Their work has appeared in The American Poetry Journal, Chiron Review, Ghost City Review, Rust+Moth and Pretty Owl Poetry, among others. Their full-length collection, Night Fable, was published by FutureCycle Press in 2018. Visit them at www.sethjani.com.
John McKernan, who grew up in Omaha Nebraska, is now a retired comma herder after teaching 41 years at Marshall University. He dreams of living on a goat & broccoli farm visited nightly by deer, but has to be content living retired in Florida. He has published poems in The Atlantic Monthly, The Paris Review, The New Yorker, Virginia Quarterly Review and many other magazines.
Maree Reedman's poetry has appeared/is forthcoming in Australia and the United States in Naugatuck River Review, Chiron Review, The Tipton Poetry Journal, StylusLit, Unbroken, and Hecate. Her poetry has won awards in The Ipswich Poetry Feast.
Russell Rowland is a seven-time Pushcart Prize nominee and writes from New Hampshire’s Lakes Region, where he has judged high-school Poetry Out Loud competitions. His latest poetry book, Wooden Nutmegs, is available from Encircle Publications.
David Spicer has published poems in The American Poetry Review, CircleStreet, Gargoyle, Moria, Oyster River Pages, Ploughshares, Remington Review, Santa Clara Review, The Sheepshead Review, Steam Ticket, Synaeresis, Third Wednesday, and elsewhere. Nominated for a Best of the Net three times and a Pushcart twice, he is author of six chapbooks, the latest being Tribe of Two (Seven CirclePress). His latest full-length collections, American Maniac (Hekate Publishing) and Confessional (Cyberwit.net) are now available. He lives in Memphis.