by Seth McKelvey
groanings in a lower octavespiral up incense-like, incense-d at the d-oubled up(a bifurcated exaggeration of thecartoon abstraction,half and harp)heart and heartboth won’t beat. they’llchoke each other with theircontradictory squeezing, is-chemic hypoxiation. th-is scheme cascadesinto two flapping lobes, masses of necros-is to be cut off,glossa- cut off mid-sentence, al-l al-ong, burned away likedrossearth into gold andgold into earth into gold al-chemic-al. what scabs will emerge ung-lossed, what sapling will sprout from thestump?this strutting li ps, cut off mat the pass/fail, and th-is stu t t ering seeksrest, in a sense, doubled over