by Evalyn Lee
When I am drunk,Too drunkFor predictive textTo work…When I am drunkOn sugar, booze, or news,I wonder, hey, MaybeEven God needs a break& Maybe he’s a little bitIn love with sinners’Cuz Drunk,Our minds spin,The light dimsAnd we soberUp to the saviorWeLiveLoveDie, I’m vain for youIn vain, I meant to type in vain.I am drunk, sorry,From poets taking in and onHorror migratingReal people are dyingPassing species in distress,We hope in poetryAmaze, Amen, they are drowning,Water for air, breathe deadThis predictive hurtText between myDrunken thronesThumbs, I am on my kneesTutoring, tulsi, typingI am sorry, drunk,The lists of people whoAre dead, it is so longMy heart hurts with hopeWhy writeWhen people are dying?Thank you for radian readingMy heart&/s bury hurtOMG it busts meAt heart to be AliAlive pressing iFIy preciousPreditableLyPredictDictateEveryone is drunk on GodWar Life but the children…Children need protectingNot deAth.God be with themStrive saviorAtrocitiesStructure my meaning wordsl drunk send ThankLanguage much Phone to youFor easing Reading deAthThank hope: you vast blue sEa.