Carl Auerbach
Carl Auerbach’s work has appeared or is forthcoming in Amarillo Bay, The Baltimore Review, Bayou Magazine, Blue Lake Review, Brink Magazine, The Cape Rock, Chrysalis Reader, The Coachella Review, Colere, Confluence, Corium Magazine, The Critical Pass Review, descant, The Distillery, Eclipse, Edison Literary Review, Eleven Eleven, Euphony, Evansville Review, Forge, Freshwater, The Green Hills Literary Lantern, The Griffin, G.W. Review, Hawaii Pacific Review, Licking River Review, The Lindenwood Review, Louisville Review, The MacGuffin, The Minetta Review, Nimrod International Journal, North American Review, Oregon East, Organs of Vision and Speech Magazine, Passager, Pearl, Permafrost, Poem, RE:AL, Red Wheelbarrow Literary Magazine, The Round, Sanskrit, Schuylkill Valley Journal Of The Arts, The South Carolina Review, Spillway, Talking River, The Texas Review, Third Coast, Tower Journal, Westview, Willow Review, and The Write Room.
Jo Ann Baldinger
Jo Ann Baldinger lives in Portland, Oregon, where she writes poems, practices yoga, and tries to be patient. Her poems have appeared in The Monarch Review, Common Ground Review, Cirque, Burningword, Verdad, White Whale, Blue Mesa, Tsunami, and Onthebus.
Marc Berman
Marc Berman is a business executive originally from Boston. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Alembic, Blue Lake Review, Bluestem, Concho River Review, Confrontation, Crack the Spine, The Critical Pass Review, Eclectica Magazine, Fiction Fix, Forge, Fourteen Hills, Grey Sparrow, Lullwater Review, Paddlefish, Passager, Poetry East, Pisgah Review, The Round, Sanskrit, and Westview.
Richard Dinges, Jr.
Richard Dinges Jr. has an MA in literary studies from University of Iowa and manages business systems at an insurance company. His poems have appeared in Orbis, Licking River Review, Illya's Honey, Icon, and Comstock Review.
Jane Downs
Jane Downs’ novella, The Sleeping Wall, won the Fiction Fix Novella Award and was published in 2013. She is author of three chapbooks including April Elegy (Kattywompus Press), and is one of five poets presented in The Book of Now, Poetry for the Rising Tide (Fisher King Press). Her poetry has received awards and appeared in numerous reviews including Ashville Poetry Review, Cimarron Review FIELD, Folio, Spillway, Green Hills Literary Lantern, The Healing Muse, The North American Review, Ninth Letter, Cross Tie: Trestle Review, Dos Passos Review, Quercus Review, Rhino, and Poetry Flash. Her work was also featured in Psychological Perspectives Quarterly. Her poetry in letterpress broadside and chapbook form has been acquired by Brown University for the Hay Library Special Collections, the Special Collections at the University of California at Davis and the University of Oregon. She is currently a partner in Red Berry Editions.
A.J. Huffman
A.J. Huffman has published eleven solo chapbooks and one joint chapbook through various small presses. Her new poetry collection, Another Blood Jet, is now available from Eldritch Press. She has two more poetry collections forthcoming: A Few Bullets Short of Home, from mgv2>publishing and Degeneration, from Pink Girl Ink. She is a multiple Pushcart Prize nominee, and has published over 2,100 poems in various national and international journals, including Labletter, The James Dickey Review, Bone Orchard, EgoPHobia, and Kritya. She is also the founding editor of Kind of a Hurricane Press.
James B. Nicola
James B. Nicola has several poetry awards and nominations to his credit, with three appearances in Stickman Review and recent poems in the Southwest and Atlanta Reviews and Rattle. His nonfiction book Playing the Audience won a Choice magazine award. His first full-length poetry collection, Manhattan Plaza, has just been released; his second, Stage to Page: Poems from the Theater, will be out in 2016. More at
Richard King Perkins II
Richard King Perkins II is a state-sponsored advocate for residents in long-term care facilities. He lives in Crystal Lake, IL with his wife, Vickie and daughter, Sage. He is a three-time Pushcart nominee and a Best of the Net nominee. Writing for six years, his work has appeared in more than a thousand publications including The Louisiana Review, Bluestem, Emrys Journal, Sierra Nevada Review, Roanoke Review, The Red Cedar Review and Crannog. He has poems forthcoming in The William and Mary Review, Sugar House Review, Plainsongs, Free State Review and Texas Review.
Jon Riccio
Jon Riccio studied viola performance at Oberlin College and the Cleveland Institute of Music. An MFA candidate at the University of Arizona, his work has appeared or is forthcoming in Waxwing, Redivider, The Writing Disorder, Blast Furnace, CutBank Online, Cleaver and Hawai'i Review, among others. He resides in Tucson.
Charles Springer
Charles Springer has degrees in anthropology and is an award-winning painter. A Pushcart Prize nominee, he is published in the small presses. He writes from the family homestead in Pennsylvania.
Walse Tyoden
A Nigerian, Walse Tyoden was the winner of the PEN/David Wong Prize, PEN Nigeria, in 2005 and the overall winner of the maiden edition of the Nigerian Film Corporation's Annual Essay Competition.
He lives with his wife and two children in Jos, Plateau State of Nigeria.
Charles Wuest
Charles Wuest lives in Danville, VA, where he teaches English at Averett University. He has poems appearing in Subtropics, Verse, Southword, Poetry Quarterly, The Toad Suck Review, and other magazines. For more information, please visit