Sue Blaustein
has published work in the Wisconsin Academy Review, Wisconsin People and Ideas, Isotope, New Delta Review, Blue Fifth Review, Verse Wisconsin and Kudzu Review. She has studied with Debra Vest, of the Vest Conservatory for Writers for nearly 15 years. She has read at Milwaukee's Woodland Pattern Book Center, in their Urban Voices and Red Letter reading series, and appeared on a panel "Poets and Their Day Jobs" at the Milwaukee Public Library. She works at the Milwaukee Health Department as a food safety inspector for her day job. "Solidarity" is the title poem of her book-length manuscript in progress. More information is available at www.sueblaustein.com.
Ken Haas
was born in New York City, attended Harvard College and received an MA in English literature at the University of Sussex, U.K., where he wrote his thesis on Wallace Stevens and the "poetry of place." He now lives in San Francisco where he is a partner in a healthcare venture capital firm and sponsors a weekly poetry writing workshop at the UCSF Children's Hospital. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Caesura, CHEST Journal, Forge, Hawai'i Pacific Review, Natural Bridge, Red Wheelbarrow, Schuylkill Valley Journal Of The Arts, Squaw Valley Review, Tattoo Highway, and Wild Violet. His poetry has also been anthologized in The Place That Inhabits Us (Sixteen Rivers Press, 2010) and the Marin Poetry Center Anthology (2012).
Taylor Hagood
has had poems and reviews of poetry books published in Ardent, Cold Mountain Review, Iodine Poetry Journal, Louisiana Literature, and The Rumpus.
Eric Maroney
was the runner up in the 2011 Million Writers Award and will be featured in the anthology The Million Writers Award: The Best New Online Voices in 2012. His fiction appears in Pif, The Montreal Review, Per Contra, The Literary Review, Our Stories, The MacGuffin, ARCH, Segue, Eclectica, Forge and Superstition Review.
Rev. Judith Mensch
served as a pastor in the United Methodist Church. She began writing poetry in the last years of her life, as a way of responding to and coping with breast cancer. She passed away in 2003.
James B. Nicola
has had almost 300 poems appear in publications including Atlanta Review, Tar River, Texas Review, Lyric, and Nimrod. A Yale grad and stage director by profession, his book Playing the Audience won a CHOICE Award. He also won the Dana Literary Award for poetry, was nominated for a Rhysling Award, and was featured poet at New Formalist. His children’s musical Chimes: A Christmas Vaudeville premiered in Fairbanks, Alaskawith Santa Claus in attendance opening night.
Irene O'Garden
is listed in Who's Who in the World, in America, and of American Women. Her critically acclaimed play, Women On Fire (Samuel French), played to sold-out houses Off Broadway at the Cherry Lane Theatre and was nominated for a 2004 Lucille Lortel award for Best Solo Show. Her new play, Little Heart, won her a Berilla Kerr Playwriting Fellowship awarded by the Millay Colony. O'Garden's writing is anthologized with Eleanor Roosevelt, Maya Angelou, Gloria Steinem, and others in The Greatness Of Girls. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Alembic, Anemone Sidecar, Apalachee Review, Atlanta Review, The Awakenings Review, Bayou, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, California Quarterly, Calyx, Chachalaca Poetry Review, College English, Compass Rose, Confrontation, Controlled Burn, Eclipse, The Green Hills Literary Lantern, Literary Gazette, Permafrost, Rockford Review, Sanskrit, Skylark, Spirit To Spirit, Tusculum Review, Whiskey Island Review, and Willow Review. She recently won a Pushcart Prize for her essay, "Glad to be Human."
Judith Skillman
is the recipient of awards from The Academy of American Poets, The King County Arts Commission, and the Washington State Arts Commission. Her 13th collection, The Phoenix, New and Selected Poems 20062012 is forthcoming from Dream Horse Press. Her poems and translations have appeared in Poetry, Poetry Northwest, FIELD, The Iowa Review, Prairie Schooner, and elsewhere. Currently Skillman teaches at Yellow Wood Academy, Mercer Island, Washington. Visit www.judithskillman.com
Patti Trimble
is a part-time writing professor for Arcadia University in Sicily. Her poetry has appeared in many anthologies and journals, including Word Wrights Magazine, Tuolumne (Yosemite) Broadside Series, Carquinez Review, and Bay Nature. She has published three small-press chapbooks; a spoken word CD (review in Poetry Flash 1999), and lyrics recorded by The Nature Company. In 2012, three poems were published in the anthology "Turning a Train of Thought Upside Down" (Scarlet Tanager Press, CA).
Suellen Wedmore
has published in Apalachee Review, The Chaffin Journal, Cimarron Review, College English, Eclipse, Green Mountains Review, Harvard Review, The Ledge, The Louisville Review, The MacGuffin, Manorborn, New Verse News, Oyez Review, Phoebe, PMS poemmemoirstory, Poem, Quiddity, Schuylkill Valley Journal, and many others. Her chapbook, Deployed won first place in the Grayson Books annual contest, and her chapbook On Marriage and Other Parallel Universes was published in 2009 by Finishing Line Press. Three of her poems have been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
Allen Qing Yuan
born in Canada and aged 16, currently attends high school in Vancouver and has poems published or forthcoming in literary journals in seven countries, which include Chysalis, Contemporary American Voices, Istanbul Literary Review, MOBIUS, Ottawa Arts Review and Taj Mahal Review.
